Who We Are & What we do

MPF serves to preserve, protect and promote the integrity and character of Mariemont.


Mariemont Preservation Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization serving the residents and friends of Mariemont, Ohio.

MPF Areas of Focus

  • Ensure continuation of National Historic Landmark Status
  • Defend Mariemont’s Boundaries
  • Safeguard Native American Archeological Sites
  • Serve as stewards of the Eliphalet Ferris House
  • Ensure longevity of historic features distinctive to our Village
  • Support Mariemont’s national “Tree City” designation
  • Foster a supportive working relationship with Village Administration
  • Maintain public access to our archives
  • Provide educational programs for children and adults
  • Offer architectural/historical tours
  • Present lecture series
  • Create permanent exhibits and portable displays
  • Record oral histories
  • Organize community events
  • Support local organizations
  • Loan collections to other museums
  • Publish Mariemont Directory & Village Guide
  • Support Mariemont Centennial Projects

2023-2024 MPF Board of Trustees

President: William “Biff” Black, Sr.
Vice President: Doug Zemke
Secretary: Cindy Chalfonte
Treasurer: Michael Whittaker
President Emeritus:
Rex Bevis
Mayor, Ex-Officio: Bill Brown
Executive Secretary: Amanda Conners
Archivist: Linda Bartlett


Jeff Andrews
Aileen Beatty
Rex Bevis
Mark Caesar
Betty Clingerman
Marcia Duval
Don Keyes
Lindsay Klinzman
Claire Kupferle
Marcy Lewis
Doug Manzler
John McIlwraith
Ronn Ross
Nancy Everhart Saffron
Mike Schoeny
Mary Ann Schwartz
Janet Setchell
Bob Van Stone
Lisa Woodruff
Mary Beth York

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